As businesses strive to navigate the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, various government-backed financial relief programs have been instrumental in providing support. One such initiative, the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS), has offered a lifeline to countless businesses. However, with the receipt of financial aid comes a natural question: Am I personally liable for a Bounce Back Loan?

Introduction to the Bounce Back Loan Scheme:

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme, launched by the UK government in May 2020, was designed to provide swift financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses grappling with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Administered by the British Business Bank, this scheme allowed eligible businesses to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000, or up to 25% of their turnover, with the government guaranteeing 100% of the loan. The ease of application and rapid disbursement of funds made it an attractive option for businesses in need.

The Limited Liability of Limited Companies

One of the key features that provide reassurance to business owners is the limited liability structure of limited companies. In the context of a bounce-back loan obtained by a limited company, the liability typically rests with the company itself rather than its directors or shareholders. This means that, in most cases, the personal assets of directors or shareholders are not at risk if the company struggles to repay the loan.

Personal Guarantees and the Bounce Back Loan Scheme

Unlike some other business loans, the Bounce Back Loan Scheme does not require personal guarantees from directors or shareholders. A personal guarantee is a commitment by an individual to take responsibility for the company's debt if it is unable to repay. The absence of personal guarantees in the BBLS provides an added layer of protection for directors, alleviating concerns about personal liability in the event of business challenges.

Repayment Obligations and Company Assets

While the liability primarily rests with the limited company, directors should be aware that the company's assets are typically used to repay the Bounce Back Loan. This means that if the business is unable to meet its repayment obligations, assets belonging to the company may be utilized to settle the outstanding debt. However, this does not extend to personal assets owned by directors or shareholders unless personal guarantees have been explicitly provided.

Personal Liability in the Event of Fraudulent Activity

While the Bounce Back Loan Scheme is designed to support legitimate businesses facing financial challenges, it is essential to highlight that engaging in Bounce Back Loan Fraud could result in personal liability. If it is discovered that a director or business owner has knowingly provided false information or engaged in fraudulent practices to secure a Bounce Back Loan, they may be held personally liable for the consequences.

Impact on Director's Credit Rating

Directors and business owners are understandably concerned about the potential impact of a Bounce Back Loan on their personal credit ratings. The good news is that the Bounce Back Loan itself is not recorded on personal credit files. However, it's important to note that if a director provides a personal guarantee for any other business loan or financial arrangement, this information could impact their personal credit rating.


All of your queries regarding whether am i personally liable for a bounce-back loan have been answered here. As businesses strive to recover from the economic impact of the pandemic, understanding the nuances of financial obligations, including the potential for personal liability for a bounce-back loan, is crucial. While the Bounce Back Loan Scheme offers valuable support to businesses, directors should remain vigilant, stay informed, and seek professional advice to navigate the financial landscape effectively. The limited liability structure of limited companies provides a level of protection for directors, but responsible financial management and adherence to the terms of the loan remain paramount for a successful and resilient business journey.